More of the same…

As I sit waiting for the HMO to call me back regarding a request to see a doctor it seemed like the perfect time to update my blog.  We’re in a holding pattern and Chez Heide.  Another pair of mittens was cast off.


These used up some leftover Silky Wool. Unfortunately the cabled cuffs aren’t visible in this picture.  A plain black fingerless  “manly” glove is about at the midway point. I was informed that mittens are for girls. Which means I’ve now completed 8 girls gifts (with the exception of weaving in the ends).

The stash reduction is going slow. Two more of the yarns I’ve dyed were placed on Etsy today. 


All yarns, etc. dyed by others that I’ve pulled  from my stash have been or will be placed on eBay.  I really am making an effort to downsize and organize.   On the one hand I hate parting with these , but realistically I have more than I will ever be able to use.

I’ve applied for a job again.  The “vacation” has been thoroughly enjoyable but alas… it’s time to rejoin the work force.

Elsewhere, Karen finished her first sock. It looks fabulous! And it’s apparent that Cindy is a closet fiber shopper!  Her roving basket is amazing.  It’s a good thing that Grover doesn’t eat yarn, etc.!

Well, crud.  I’m going to call the HMO back, it’s been several hours since they were supposed to “get right back” to me.


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5 responses to “More of the same…

  1. Rae

    I want to special order up some of your hand spun sock yarn. Interested?

  2. Hmmmm, Christmas gift knitting and stash reduction . . . both things I should be doing too. BUT I’m resisting both!!! 😉

  3. Damned HMO’s. And, the difference between them and nationalized medicine would be what???? I’m sorry. I get so angry and yes, the economy is doing just peachy keen swell, but not here either. So, I love the mittens. I love knitting them, too, but it still takes me quite a while. Keep up on the dyeing. I do think you have a knack for it and when you got the gift, use it. I hope you can get well NOW! Take care, kiddo.

  4. Mittens are for girls? Really? Hm – must be true, I asked CM if he’d like a pair and he stared at me with this strange lok on his face, making me think I’m a little mad… Well… I love the ones you did by the way, yummy cheerful color! And hey, fingers crossed for the job!

  5. Mittens are for girls? Really? Hm – must be true, I asked CM if he’d like a pair and he stared at me with this strange lok on his face, making me think I’m a little mad… Well… I love the ones you did by the way, yummy cheerful color! And hey, fingers crossed for the job!

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