Daily Archives: June 22, 2007

Smoke & Mirrors

This morning’s forecast:  Partly cloudy with a high of 71.  Hooray for cooler weather!


The morning sunrise over our roof line with Mt. St. Helens in the background.  We’d have a lovely view of the mountain from our living room window if not for the McMansions and condominiums erected behind our house during the last decade.  Oh well, we bought the house with its current view.

On many nights A3 voluntarily crawls into my bed and falls asleep long before the rest of the family.  She is later moved and magically awakes in her very own bed.  Last night when the bed fairy went in to complete the transfer this face was discovered:


A parental inquisition of elder siblings proved quite revealing.  It seems that the neighborhood children held a mock wedding in our backyard. A3 was the bride and this was her special “wedding make up”.  I just wish her sisters had used **water-solulable ink.  Her nuptial tattoos are sure to draw remarks and questions from curious strangers today.  I wonder who my new son-in-law is.

The more astute amongst you will notice that there has been no mention of knitting or anything fiber-related to this point (hence the “Smoke & Mirrors” reference). Only a few measly inches were added to the Wisp yesterday. 


**Edited to add a link to Wisp for Gillian. 

This weekend doesn’t look promising for knitting and spinning either.  The afore-mentioned clouds will allow me to finally get outside to clean up our overgrown yard.  This is especially important if many more civil unions will be held there.

Don’t forget to head on over to Claudia’s blog and wish her good luck on her 150 mile bike ride this weekend to raise money for the MS society.  A donation of just $10.00 will enter you into a raffle for some fantastic prizes.  Cheers!

** some gentle scrubbing on her right cheek prior to photography merely lightened the marks and turned her skin a ghastly shade of blue. We have no idea why there is one clean streak on her left cheek.  Some foreign substance must have prevented the marker from adhering during application.


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