This week some unconventional knitting materials are mixing it up with the needles during the evenings. 


We have lots of miscellaneous beads, jewelry wire and other craft supplies which remain largely neglected and the box these were in literally jumped out at me, begging to be used… it was either that or the universe was telling me to clean the closet. Anyway, this is a completely drool-worthy and mindless knit as it consists of a stocking net stitch on size 7 needles. The only thought required is remembering to slide a bead up every now and again.   I don’t even care that it may resemble a 4-H project gone bad, I’m enjoying the sparkly nature and the feel of the weight added from the glass beads.

Here’s a video showing an even more unusual knitting medium.

Some more items for the Bits for Tits drive arrived this week!  Actually, Crystal’s prosthesis breast arrived last week, but my camera was out of commission, so here it is.


Then yesterday these two adorable hats arrived from Reva.


 Thank you both very much for the beautifully-made and wonderful items. If you are making or have made something to send along then please let me know so I can hold the box before sending it back to Christy. Her next chemotherapy appointment is on Valentine’s Day.  Not only did she tolerate the first round without feeling the ill-effects notorious with treatment, but she kicked its ass!  Here’s to rocking the next one too, Christy, we’re all rooting for you.

Now I must set the record straight regarding my DH’s claims that I knit for everyone except him.  His felted slippers just need one more trip through the washing machine and then they’ll be fit to wear.


Furthermore, the red and silver beaded project above is NOT for another candle. Happy Valentine’s Day!

(okay, so it really is for another candle, didn’t mean to gross anyone out, but he’s always complaining about being left out)


Filed under Uncategorized

4 responses to “

  1. Beaded, for her pleasure? Nice looking slippers! I would like to see that lady knit a bunch of mittens or hats, then serve them as a garnish on tomato soup or something. I gotta tidy up some more. Electricians are coming back today to finish putting in cable modem lines and an extra phone jack or something.


  2. The magpie in me loves the pretty shinies. They really are pretty. Is the wire hard on your hands? DH’s slippers look great. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled. There is still plenty of cold weather time for their use. And, what lovely knitted goodies for Christy. We’re all pulling for her.

  3. sopranospinner

    I mailed the hat today!! Hope it gets there in time! I will email you a picture.

  4. outdoorluvnrookiequiltr

    Nice blue candle attire! Sell those on ebay …bet you’ld make a buck or two. Especially if they custom ordered the colors for weddings etc…

    I’m doing ok after my 2nd chemo so far. Got a bit of a headache, but its a side effect. I do have hair shorter than A3’s tho…I went down today and donated 2 pony tails to Locks of Love and had the rest shaped. I was falling out fast and I didn’t want to see it all go in the trash or ?
    I’ll email you a picture tomorrow after Alyssa take it for me or I’ll blog it … either way!

    Nice alien touch too…resembles B 🙂

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