Daily Archives: July 11, 2007


As the title suggests, this post is all over the place… I lead a chaotic life.

First of all… the heat.  It’s bloody hot. On the western side of the Cascade Mountains temperatures rarely pass the 100°f mark. It rains here most of the time for Pete’s sake. Yesterday was an exception. Today was relatively cooler, with a high of merely 97°f. 

Because of this heat wave the DH and I set up the girls’ pool.


This was no small task as missing and damaged pieces from the move became major issues requiring trips to the hardware store, etc.

One good thing about the heat is that these fellows


 take refuge in dark, damp recesses and leave my garden alone .

Here is proof that although I may be growing older, I’m still immature youthful at heart.


The phallic nature of Hens and Chicks flowering always amuses me to no end.

Remember how excited I was about the Harry Potter And The Order of The Phoenix early viewing?  Well, I must confess a blonde moment.  When ordering the tickets I failed to note the PM following the 11:55.  When we arrived to find no line I began to suspect something was amiss, but only when we went to locate our viewing room did we discover what had happened. The theater refunded our tickets, but I feel horrible about my DH taking time off from work and then not even getting to watch it.  


Well, this morning the girls and I went and viewed an early showing at a regular theater. Hopefully my DH will have an opportunity to see it soon too.  And the movie itself?  The casting of the new characters was pretty good (I still don’t care a lot for Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, but that’s on old gripe). Because of the length of this book the director and writers had quite a challenge of deciding what to include in a 2 1/2 hour movie. Removing entire subplots isn’t always possible because of scenerios in later stories.  They opted to combine and condense many scenes in order to include pertinent information.  Some less prominant characters were removed which was fine, but personally, I would have left Grawp out too. All in all it was a good movie and I’d like to see it again.  Now only a few more weeks until the final book!

On the fiber front I’m about 1/2 way through chart B of clue 1 of Mystery Stole 3.


I’ve been dragging this blue blob around with me today to knit while waiting in movie lines, orthodontist appointments, etc.


Because the successful completion of this item is questionable I will not discuss or dwell upon it.  Sometimes it’s comforting just to have something to keep my hands busy, regardless of what may or may not emerge.

I’ve not done any new spinning, but some roving was dyed.


It began to mat together (not quite to a felting stage yet, just not fluffy) and it needs a good combing.  Packed someplace in our garage are some wire dog brushes.  If found, they will be used in lieu of carders.

Now off to cook a really special dinner for my husband in an attempt to buy my way out of the dog house regarding the movie.  Work has been sporadic and I must admit the time off is lovely, but I work the next 5 days coming up.  The mountain o’laundry will never be conquered. Cheers!



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