Daily Archives: July 5, 2007

Going Postal?

Our postal carrier is driving me crazy.   Of course I’m sure it isn’t her fault, but I blame her just the same.  You see, I’ve ordered some more roving as well as the yarn for the MS3 KAL. In addition to those packages I was fortunate enough to win not one, but two prizes from Claudia’s MS bike ride and they will be arriving sometime soon.  Then there’s the June shipment from Mama-E’s Crazy Eight sock Club.  And as if all of this anticipation weren’t enough, there is the Hogwart’s Sock Swap package which will be shipping sometime during the next 3 weeks.  

I’m not a greedy person, but even the most saintly and patient of knitters would be anxious.  Each time her jeep pulls up and she shoves a wad of bills and junk mail into my box without a package key I want to chase after her.   Part of me  (the immature and emotional part) wants to stick my arm in her open window, shake my fist and demand that she surrender the booty.  The logical “adult” part of me says to be patient.  That the packages will arrive in due time.  That this poor woman probably doesn’t even know how to knit and would therefore have no interest in my parcels.  I just hope that the logical part of me can continue to prevail.  If not it could get ugly.


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Lucky Muggles!

We survived another Fourth of July unscathed by wayward fireworks.  Thank goodness for a tile roof or this may not have been the case.  Our neighbors, the ones who seldom leave their homes, ventured out to set off piles and piles of fireworks.  Our yard, roof and gutters look like a ticker-tape parade took place.   All in all it was a very relaxing holiday.

Lots of knitting was accomplished, but I’m not at liberty to show pictures at this point in time.  Some dyeing and spinning took place as well.

And in other news, my DH and I were able to buy tickets to see a pre-screening of Harry Potter.  It will take place on Tuesday, July 10th at Cinetopia! And because we’ll be in the living room portion, which doesn’t allow minors, it will be almost like a daytime date!  I’m very excited about this upcoming outing.  Now if I could only find a way to get an early copy of book 7 then I’d be the happiest of HP fans. 


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